
Unschooling: Living Without School; Living Free Range-Freedom to Learn What One Wants When One Wants
Friday, August 30, 2013
School Year Goals For 2013-2014
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Daddy's Part In Our Homeschool
Monday, August 26, 2013
Big Plunge
Side Note: Today has not all been a dream though. We did have two issues arise that we need to work through, but fortunately we will have all the time in the world to sort through them.
Samantha is having self esteem issues lately. Instead of comparing herself to her peers, which I know is common around this age, she compares herself to me, and it is causing her a lot of mental stress. I want to help her, but I am not exactly sure how. I have received some advice from a few women with daughters who have done the same thing, and I am hoping we can take care of it as soon as possible.
The second issue is that Samantha's sugar is getting worse. She has been way nauseous more frequently the last few days and her vision started blurring today after she had sugar. She almost passed out, so we are taking her to the Doctor tomorrow to hopefully get some answers. She has been tested before, but it was negative. I know something is wrong, but we are not sure what.
*I will add pictures at the end of the week when I write another update.*
Thursday, August 22, 2013
The Weekend Before
It's the weekend before school starts for Catoosa County. Wow. Monday is going to be a day of mixed feelings for me. Happiness we will be home together. But nervousness that we aren't going with the norm. Of course, who an I kidding, we are far from a mainstream family unit.
We have so busily been preparing Sam this year in a different way.
Last week I submitted her Letter of Intent to the school board.
And a few days prior we went to Southern Adventist University to sign Sam up for gymnastics! I couldn't believe this opportunity, to go to a huge college with an AMAZING gym and talented coaches-I have seen their training in action-and it is all made available to her and so affordable! Not to mention they have a pool that we can swim in before or after class. Sam will have the chance to hang out with her friends and just relax and get some more physical activity in. I am so happy I looked at my options. I think it'll be right for us.
We have also made several shopping trips for clothes and "supplies." (She did get stuff like markers and a fancy pencil case. We also ordered some items like Matb Mat and Math War. We joined a few groups. Went to the Homeschool Expo. And made lots of calls about things like local homeschool events and special pricing for homeschoolers. (We get a huge discount at the Bodies Exhibit we are going to in September. It is still kind if pricey, but it would be way worse without the discount.)
We have been working on a Body Unit Study this Summer and will continue it, soon moving into fetal development, her favorite. We have also steadily been reading Charlotte's Web and doing lots with it. Next we begin Little House on the Prairie. Her choice.
Speaking of all this and school starting Monday, tonight was my Little Brother's open house. I Love to attend his stuff and stay involved in his life, so we went and I got that same feeling I always get when I go to that stuff. "So this is what it would be like?" Doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. No. Actually, I think it'd be cool to be one of the PTO leaders. One if the Moms who is always volunteering at the school. Everybody knows their face. And the kids think they are cool. Plus being involved in your child's education, what's better than that? It'd be exciting to get Sam ramped up for the carnival and what not. I heard a lot of parents saying things like, "Wow! Your class looks like it will be interesting this year! Your teacher seems so nice!" And it is weird to think we *don't plan* to ever send Sam to school. (God may have other plans.) But, despite how exciting school might be, it just, it doesn't feel so wrong for her to not be going.
Our lives are so adjusted to the outside norm that I only ever realize it isn't considered "normal" until people feel the need to remind us we are "odd."
Recycling is never a trouble. It is as normal to me as taking the trash out now. Eating organic, it's cake. Our budget is adjusted. Our grocery list is adjusted. And our bodies are adjusted. And our educational choice has really been in place since Sam was 2. The only reason this year seems so different is because this is the year that WOULD be a big deal. It would be the year she would start school.
I will wrap up this post by saying, this weekend is where we cross the threshold from , "No. She doesn't go to daycare." To "No. She doesn't go to school."
Here are some pictures of what we have been doing:
Friday, August 16, 2013
Letter Of Intent/Lonliness
Well, I did it. I submitted Sam's Letter of Intent today. She is an official "legal" homeschooler and she can never "not" be in school again, well, until she is 16 that is.
I didn't have to submit it until 2015, when she turned 7, but to do some of the groups and get some of the homeschool discounts and events, you have to have proof of homeschooling, which is your Letter of Intent. It is simply her First/Last Name. Age. Parents' Names. Address. And what dates you intend to "have school" through. (At least 180 days. We do year round. She is always learning something.) That's it. I save it to my computer as proof. They don't even acknowledge they got it. I keep records of everything we do. But they don't see them unless DFACS takes it to court. No "attendance." No communication. Nothing. Easy. I do my thing. They do theirs.
Still though, it really made things more official. More real. Before it was just, "Well, she doesn't go to daycare and we plan to homeschool at "school age," so she is homeschooled." No. Now she is HOMESCHOOLED! Physically and Legally Homeschooled.
I shared with a couple people that I submitted it, but even Hubby didn't understand. He was like, "Cool. So you submitted a paper saying you are going to do the exact same thing you have been doing for years-teaching her." Which is true, but at the same time, it would be SOOO nice to have a friend, just one friend who, "Gets It." Who says, "That is so exciting! What unit study did Sam pick next? So and So picked _____ ." Or "That's a huge step! Are you nervous? I was nervous when I submitted mine this year." Or "Yah. I read that book by Charlotte Mason. Very inspiring. The part I liked the most was..."
I just really pray Sam and I both make some new friends this year so we can have someone who understands. Someone who can hang out with Sam during the day. Someone who says, "Hey, Samantha, are you going to be at the Not Back To School Picnic?" We both need it so that we don't feel like we are the only ones. I just hope it happens sooner than later.