
Unschooling: Living Without School; Living Free Range-Freedom to Learn What One Wants When One Wants

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Week 25 and 26: All About Me and Week and Fall Fun & Reading

We did All About Me the week before her birthday because we didn't do lessons the week of her birthday.  And I thought the topic went hand and hand with her upcoming birthday.

Monday: We switched things up and instead of reading a "normal book" we went through her Baby Book. We looked at pictures and talked about when she was younger. And I read what I had written about when we found out I was pregnant and that she was a girl. We also listened to the song, "Special Me" by Dr. Jean. (I really admire that woman. Something about her songs and activities that just get my daughter excited about music and learning.)

Tuesday: We did a "Fill In The Blank About Me." I just asked her a series of questions like, "What is your favorite color?" And she answered them. She did pretty well. Here it is: (Brennon also did one, so I will put his too.) 

About Me:

My name is Samantha Mays. I am almost 3 years old. My birthday is September 23rd 2008. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I live in Ringgold, Georgia. My favorite color is pink. My favorite food is chicken nuggets. My favorite animal is a cat. And my favorite thing to do is play in my kitchen, especially with Mom and Dad. I have hobbies. They are dancing and singing, but singing is my favorite.

About Me:

My name is Brennon Ellis. I am 3 years old. My birthday is March 28th 2008. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I live in Ringgold, Georgia. My favorite color is green. My favorite food is hotdogs. My favorite animal is a cat. And my favorite thing to do is play with my Thomas trains

Wednesday: We are putting the Bible lessons on pause for now because I am writing the curriculum for the preschool at church and I want to get caught up on that so that her lessons on Wednesday correspond with her lessons on Sunday. 

Thursday: I had Samantha and Brennon draw self portraits. Samantha drew hers and then got sort of bored and started scribbling over her portrait, but if you look you can see it. Brennon drew himself with another person. 

Friday: She picked dinner. Chicken Nuggets. ;) 

Week 26, Fall Fun, I have been looking forward to for awhile. 

Monday: We read the book "Boo, The Not So Scary Ghost." (I am in the mood for Halloween) And we did the fingerplay, "Five Little Pumpkins." 

Tuesday: We played outside in the leaves, which are everywhere now! 

Wednesday: No Bible Lesson

Thursday: We did hand/fingerprint tress. And did a painting with Fall colors. She really enjoyed this. 

Friday: We will be baking pumpkin seeds. I just decided to wait until we went to the pumpkin patch later this month so that we can take the seeds out of our pumpkins. 

Saturday: We played an "Autumn Fun" memory game on dtlk. We got to work with the computer and do an activity for this week's lesson. 

Also, not sure if I posted it on here or not, but Samantha is reading and spelling now. She can read and spell 3 letter words and we are working on sight words too. (I am going to get some sentence strips to hang up with a few dolche words every week.) Words like "cat" and "dog" are quick for her. But words like "stop" she has to sound out. We are starting our weekly trips to the library again and she got her own card. (I told her when she learned to read she would get her own card.) At night, I will read a book to her and stop when I get to word I think she can read. I am very proud of how she is progressing so quickly. I hope to she keeps up her Love for reading. 

If you look close you can see her face in the middle of the page. 

We did a "Five Little Pumpkins" coloring sheet. 

She says this is a picture of Sami playing in the leaves. 

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