Field Day went great! Everything I had as a child, she had. They played 5 prize games: broad jump, hopping game, javelin, 30 yard dash, and sack race. She won a ribbon at every station. Three ribbons were 1st place, one 2nd place, and one 3rd place. They did some group games: marshmellow toss, over under sponge game, 3 legged and wheel barrow race, and parachute. We had lunch. And then the kids played for a long time. Sam made a new friend, and played in a large group, which tells me she is becoming more comfortable at the big events. We returned home 5 hours later. She jabbered on in the car. Then as we walked in the house, she sat down, without a word, to draw, and passed out 10 minutes later. What a day.
Yesterday we had Homeschool Day and Lake Winnie. That has been one thing I have been looking forward to taking Sam to all year. (Samantha got excited too, but without knowing what it is, she didn't know exactly what to get excited about. She just knew I was excited.) Unfortunately, her best friend was not able to go. They were calling for rain all day, and so they decided not to chance wasting the money. The weather held up for us though. It rained a little on and off, for 30 seconds or so, enough to cool us off and to run off some of the crowd. ;) We took my little brother with us. He is a homeschooler-in the Summer. :) And she saw/talked to a few of her homeschool friends from Gymnastics and CHEA. Samantha had a blast. Luck for Samantha, she is right at 48 inches tall, which is the height you have to be to ride all the good rides. She was very brave and grown up. She tried every ride there, except 2 that you had to be 54". She even went one some in a different seat than us-so that she could sit with my brother. We rode all morning and she got to try a funnel cake. ;) Then we left around 3 for an early dinner at Logan's, and when we got back, all the school groups were gone. (It was CSTHEA Homeschool Day and Renaissance Day for some schools.) Many homeschoolers had gone home too because they had lit
tle ones who were tired or ready for dinner. It was empty. We were able to ride the rides without standing in line, over and over, all by ourselves. We must have gone on 25 rides by time they closed. (Walking took up some time.) We stayed until the very last ride shut down. It is definitely something we will go to next year. (The discounted price made it very affordable!) I figure we have another 3 years or so, based on her personality, before she starts running off by herself with her friends to ride without us, which scares me to death, but we better enjoy it while we can. Our school year officially ends soon and starts the next day, for paperwork's sake. Another round of exciting events, groups, and exploration. Onward!
Side Note: The last event of the year will be a yearbook signing party. This will be the first year for yearbooks, and Sam is stoked. They are affordable. They have tons of pictures from every event. And we will get to customize 4 pages just for her yearbook! More on that later.
My Girl and All Her Ribbons |
My Little Nail Biter Ready for the 3 Legged Race |
Her First Amusement Park Ride. She did great and didn't freak when she was high up!! |
Samantha taking to one of her Gym Friends |
My Silly Husband INSISTED that they ride on the kiddie ride, Frog Hopper. They looked at him like he was crazy! |
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