This was our first week. Things were a little out of order because we had a crazy week. But I think for our first week, it went pretty smooth. Here is what we did:
Monday: We read a book about recycling and used our "reusable shopping bags," and pretend grocery shopped in the kitchen. We went over which items were healthy for you, and which ones weren't.
Tuesday: We had to skip this day, had a lot going on.
Wednesday: We picked up trash outside. (This didn't go so well. It was sort of cold, and about to rain. Samantha was grumpy.)
Thursday: We made "dirt cups," out of pudding and Oreos and gummy worms. She LOVED it! She really got into it. We also had a healthy snack and talked about organic foods. We had mandarin oranges and all natural juice.
Friday: Watch a Barney movie about taking care of the Earth. (Thanks to Christina for finding it.) I think we are going to do a movie every Friday. Since we have instant on Netflix, it shouldn't be hard to find something on each topic, hopefully. We also did a small activity/art project. We took two pieces of construction paper, one blue, one green. I made little fish out of copper wire, and then also took some trash. For every piece of trash we threw into the "pond"-the blue paper, a fish disappear. Then after there were no fish left, the pond was "green." We had to take the trash out of the pond one piece at a time and as the trash disappeared, the fish reappeared. (We were going to do an art project, but I can't get to the art stuff right now. Again, long story.)
She Loves her little bag. |
This one is my bag. |
LOVE this book! |
"Grocery Shopping" |
We talked about the difference between plastic bags and reusable shopping bags. We also talked about different ways to reuse plastic bags. |
These are the groceries she picked out. |
Picking Up Trash |
About To Make Our Dirt Cups |
After we mixed it, it looked like mud. |
Here it is...Our Dirt Cup. We put it in a clean disposable flower pot to make it more "Real." |
She had a worm in her mouth. |
Healthy Snack, All Organic |
She was posing in this picture. |
Watching Barney |
This was the nasty pond with all the trash. |
This is the clean pong with all the fish. I promise the paper is blue. It just looks green in the picture. |