So, seeing as we don't have a strict curriculum, as Samantha grows older, we are beginning to see a need to have a list of things we do want her to know before she leaves the house. They aren't all academic. In fact, most of them are not. Many of them are character building, survival skills, and life management skill-which can also be academic. If she can learn those things, it will be a foundation for her to learn what she needs to learn in order for her to fill her calling from God, whatever that may be. Here is that list. I'm open to suggestions.
-Know Her Bible In Depth-In Progress
-How to be Compassionate-Check
-Patience-Half Check
-How to have Discernment-Ongoing (lol)
-How to Disagree (Without Arguing)-Ongoing
-How to Compromise-Check
-How to Build a Fire-In Progress
-How to Cook on a Fire
-How to Fish-In Progress
-How to Read a Map and Compass
-Basic Survival Skills (First Aid, Poisonous Plants, Etc.)
-How to Garden-In Progress (Every Spring)
Life Skills:
-Basic Math-In Progress
-How to Budget
-How to Balance a Checkbook
-How to File Taxes
-How to Invest
-How to Grocery Shop
-How to Meal Plan
-How to Cook-In Progress
-How to Choose a Husband!
-How to Speak Publicly-Check
-How to Research (Including Using Duey Decimal System and Encyclopedias)

Unschooling: Living Without School; Living Free Range-Freedom to Learn What One Wants When One Wants
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Friday, January 12, 2018
The New Year
Has it been a whole "semester" already? Where has the time gone? That cocoon is still sitting still in our butterfly pavilion. Will it ever emerge?
Maybe not.
Until then, we have been continuing our year with some more structured activities (of Samantha's choosing.) Last week she attended her first group Bible study-and did surprisingly well in a classroom setting. I don't know whether to beam with pride at the fact that, "despite unschooling," our daughter can still function in society as expected. Or should I cry because she is easily molded to fit the pattern, despite our best efforts to teach her how to stand out.
It is a drop off event. Class is too full. I decided to sit outide the door this week, unknown to Big S-until Baby Sister began laugh-screaming and running down the hallway while looking back to make sure I was running after her. Baby Sara. You are always seeking trouble. That is what I Love about you.
Anywho, after class, I expected to find out she was completely zoned the whole time, and quite possibly talked out of turn the entire class period. She, in fact, did not. She remembered all the important rules as well as what she needed to do for homework. And even more to my surprise, she learned so much about the book of Daniel, and they only made it through verse 8! (She taught me some things and listen and REMEMBERED when I tried to teach her some things I knew as well.)
We will be spending the rest of the week studying those first 8 verses, and after the first few days of homework, I can proudly say she is still initiating it and begging for more!
We have continued in her Master Books living math series. Unfortunately, because of Big S's struggle with numbers, we felt that we could not wait any later than 9 years old for it to "just click."
We are not reading any chapter books at the time. (We read 4 this Fall.) I felt we have enough reading to do already. But she does still read her Drew books on her own accord, and I wake her up with storybook.
She is super well adjusted and well rounded. She has a number of interests she is working on as well as leadership opportunities coming up, thanks to her gift of well....leadership.
What she is working on:
-Baking Business (She has gone from working on her baking skills to filling several orders, buying business cards, and investing in her own Kitchenaid with the profits. Next up. Printed menus.)
-Magic (Sam has a gift for showmanship. She likes to mix magic with a bit of comedy. She currently s two shows "booked" that she is practicing for. One at a nursing home in March and one at the library in April. (She put on a small show there at the Halloween party in October-duh-and some of the kids have asked when she will return!!! That made Big S feel pretty special.)
-Kitchen Science (The librarian recently asked if Sam wanted to reach a Kitchen Science class. (Told you we have lived at the library this year.) Sam is thinking "Disappearing Ink." She will be responsible for the communication with the library and all the planning, such as shopping and getting it on the calendar, and execution-teaching the class!!!
-Big S is still writing that book I mentioned in my last post, and doing well too. She is on page 100 already. (Some pages have pictures she drew.)
-Later in the year, after the Bible Study is complete, she will start tennis lessons.
-*Side Note: We spent some time last semester preparing for a spelling bee. She participated this week and did really well! But when it came to the 7th grade words, she was knocked out of the running. Darn. But I am still so proud!
Last semester she also completed a Flag badge with AHG as well as a badge that I planned and lead-BAKING! They are currently working on a My Style Badge that discusses fashion along with God's Word. And later this year is her Music Appreciation badge complete with a trip to Nashville for the Grand Ole Opry and tne Country Music Hall of Fame.
Little S has been working on her mischief making skills. That's going very well for her, might I say. We are-for the most part-adapted to her personality, and she is to ours. I just practice a responsive style of parenting and it keeps her calm as long as her actual needs are met. (Needs include cuddles.) She is still attending storytime and Parents as Teachers monthly. During the Bible Study we plan to start hitting up area playgrounds. And during AHG she just wonders around in the back of the room playing with the toys back there and occasionally walking around passing out kisses to the girls while they melt with admiration. She is also remarkably well adjusted (socially) considering her early months consisted of being held 24/7.
She is beginning to participate in learning activities. We have always read, but she is more intent now. And she tries to repeat words. She can say Mama, Dada, Sissy, Doggy, and Baby.
Later this year we also have some things coming up as a family-including a stay-cation (so we can save to go on a cruise next year), another, larger garden, a kitchen remodel, our normal camping/kayaking trips. I am not sure what else yet...
I don't even know what to call our style anymore. We just kind of go with what the year brings and don't focus too much on calling ourselves any one method. It causes too much stress. After all, we did a agree on minimalism this year. That means minimal stress too.
For those homeschooling friends of mine who read is your year going?
Maybe not.
Until then, we have been continuing our year with some more structured activities (of Samantha's choosing.) Last week she attended her first group Bible study-and did surprisingly well in a classroom setting. I don't know whether to beam with pride at the fact that, "despite unschooling," our daughter can still function in society as expected. Or should I cry because she is easily molded to fit the pattern, despite our best efforts to teach her how to stand out.
It is a drop off event. Class is too full. I decided to sit outide the door this week, unknown to Big S-until Baby Sister began laugh-screaming and running down the hallway while looking back to make sure I was running after her. Baby Sara. You are always seeking trouble. That is what I Love about you.
Anywho, after class, I expected to find out she was completely zoned the whole time, and quite possibly talked out of turn the entire class period. She, in fact, did not. She remembered all the important rules as well as what she needed to do for homework. And even more to my surprise, she learned so much about the book of Daniel, and they only made it through verse 8! (She taught me some things and listen and REMEMBERED when I tried to teach her some things I knew as well.)
We will be spending the rest of the week studying those first 8 verses, and after the first few days of homework, I can proudly say she is still initiating it and begging for more!
We have continued in her Master Books living math series. Unfortunately, because of Big S's struggle with numbers, we felt that we could not wait any later than 9 years old for it to "just click."
We are not reading any chapter books at the time. (We read 4 this Fall.) I felt we have enough reading to do already. But she does still read her Drew books on her own accord, and I wake her up with storybook.
She is super well adjusted and well rounded. She has a number of interests she is working on as well as leadership opportunities coming up, thanks to her gift of well....leadership.
What she is working on:
-Baking Business (She has gone from working on her baking skills to filling several orders, buying business cards, and investing in her own Kitchenaid with the profits. Next up. Printed menus.)
-Magic (Sam has a gift for showmanship. She likes to mix magic with a bit of comedy. She currently s two shows "booked" that she is practicing for. One at a nursing home in March and one at the library in April. (She put on a small show there at the Halloween party in October-duh-and some of the kids have asked when she will return!!! That made Big S feel pretty special.)
-Kitchen Science (The librarian recently asked if Sam wanted to reach a Kitchen Science class. (Told you we have lived at the library this year.) Sam is thinking "Disappearing Ink." She will be responsible for the communication with the library and all the planning, such as shopping and getting it on the calendar, and execution-teaching the class!!!
-Big S is still writing that book I mentioned in my last post, and doing well too. She is on page 100 already. (Some pages have pictures she drew.)
-Later in the year, after the Bible Study is complete, she will start tennis lessons.
-*Side Note: We spent some time last semester preparing for a spelling bee. She participated this week and did really well! But when it came to the 7th grade words, she was knocked out of the running. Darn. But I am still so proud!
Last semester she also completed a Flag badge with AHG as well as a badge that I planned and lead-BAKING! They are currently working on a My Style Badge that discusses fashion along with God's Word. And later this year is her Music Appreciation badge complete with a trip to Nashville for the Grand Ole Opry and tne Country Music Hall of Fame.
Little S has been working on her mischief making skills. That's going very well for her, might I say. We are-for the most part-adapted to her personality, and she is to ours. I just practice a responsive style of parenting and it keeps her calm as long as her actual needs are met. (Needs include cuddles.) She is still attending storytime and Parents as Teachers monthly. During the Bible Study we plan to start hitting up area playgrounds. And during AHG she just wonders around in the back of the room playing with the toys back there and occasionally walking around passing out kisses to the girls while they melt with admiration. She is also remarkably well adjusted (socially) considering her early months consisted of being held 24/7.
She is beginning to participate in learning activities. We have always read, but she is more intent now. And she tries to repeat words. She can say Mama, Dada, Sissy, Doggy, and Baby.
Later this year we also have some things coming up as a family-including a stay-cation (so we can save to go on a cruise next year), another, larger garden, a kitchen remodel, our normal camping/kayaking trips. I am not sure what else yet...
I don't even know what to call our style anymore. We just kind of go with what the year brings and don't focus too much on calling ourselves any one method. It causes too much stress. After all, we did a agree on minimalism this year. That means minimal stress too.
For those homeschooling friends of mine who read is your year going?
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