That's parenting advice I once got. Apparently it's a thing circling around on the Internet. Water helps us process through our emotions. It helps to hydrate us. It brings joy to an otherwise monotonous day.
I would say this has rung true through the years-even before I was told this "parenting hack." Headache? Drink some water? Hungry? Drink some water first. Sad? Take a bath. Baby getting into everything? Fill a bin with water and give her some measuring cups and spoons. Not sure what to do with all the many kids that come to the house in the summer time? You can bet your bottom dollar it'll involve water.
But if there is one more thing I would say, it would be "Just add....a good read aloud." Need to learn a lesson in thankfulness? Read "A Long Walk to Water." Need to build your faith? Read "My Hands Came Away Red " Have the winter blues? Find several new books and put them on hold at the library. It'll give you something to look forward to in the cold months ahead. Just want to grow closer to a friend? Read "Navigating Early."
Yes. A good read aloud is never a waste of time. A story shared is an experience weathered together...We look forward to each and every one.