Monday is a weekend for us, because Jessie is off. This Monday was extra special. We have been doing a lot of Easter lessons and working on traditional activities. Every year we celebrate by ourselves as a family the Monday before Easter. We like to use that day to put a lot of emphasis on Jesus and why we celebrate. And then Easter we attend church and focus on spending time with Family.
On Monday morning Sam helped us make breakfast. Pancakes and eggs. She learned how to make fried eggs.
Then we dyed eggs using onion skins. (Pace Eggs) We talked about what the red symbolizes and why it is important.
The rest of the day was pretty lax. Egg hunt. Cleaned house. Met friends for dinner. Then Sam played for the rest of the night.
At bedtime we drew numbers and words on her marker board. We talked about the date. Read books. Sang songs. And reflected on the day. Generally, this is what her bedtime looks like. Sometimes it is more hurried, but generally takes about an hour. We use this time down time for more learning and bonding time. Even Daddy likes to come in the room and make colorful illustrations on her board or teach her about her current topic on it using drawings.
Quick Bed Time.
We also listened to J103, Sam's FAVORITE station. :)
Bed Time.
Also, on Fridays, since the weather had gotten a little prettier, we like to visit Holcomb Garden Center, where we look for plants and learn a little about what we need to do to get our front butterfly garden started. Samantha gets to see the different plants and hear about how to take care of them, which plants which butterflies like, and what else they need to accommodate them.
This Friday We hung around the house for awhile. Weather journal first. Then we ate breakfast together and talked about Ladybugs and how she likes to study the dead ones in the house that came in last winter. At which point, I rummaged through my stash and pulled out LADYBUG LAND! She was so stoked! The Ladybugs are on order now. We studied the habitat and talked a little about Ladybugs. She wants to study Ladybugs and weather at the same time, which is fine because it will all tie into her Spring stuff, caring for butterflies and plants etc.
I packed some stuff up in the car for my Mom, which lead me to organize the game closet. Sam just played with her toys and then we got out some small games just for fun before we left.
Once I got that organized and the car packed up, I gave Sam a calendar I had found and forgot we had. I thought she would like "finding and touching" the date rather than looking at it on my phone. She was pretty excited and she recognized all the days of the week along with the month.
Daddy came home for lunch.
We went to the library. We have not been in awhile since I just got my car back last week and their system was down. She couldn't wait to check out lots of books! I usually have several weather books on hold, and today was no different. By I is Good Friday. They were closed. No books for us, again.
Then we went to my Mom's house for her to play with Brennon the rest of the day. And I helped my Mom unpack. We were there all night. She played some board games with him, toys, wrestled, and got to help take care of my baby sister. (She is VERY good with babies.) After work, Jessie came by. We all ate and then went home where, yet again, we passed out shortly after. (It has been a busy week of outings! Maybe we are always this busy and don't realize it. But I don't think so.)
Weather Journal. Today's weather journal came with a special discovery! Samantha Loves to go outside and check the rain gauge, weather it rained the night before or not. I knew it had rained from all the water on the ground, but when we got outside, there were only a few water droplets in the gauge. I knew the gauge was in a place it could collect water, so instantly my mind was blown. And that is when Samantha looks up and says, "Maybe it just sprinkled, and there was only a little, and the sun already evaporated it." That is when I KNEW it had clicked with her. All this weather stuff. She was applying it. It wasn't just spitting out information for her. It was studying, collecting data, identifying, and problem solving! At that particular moment, I could not have been more proud.
Then we went to my friend's house-different friend. (Again, we usually don't go out this often.) But Jessie works on Saturdays and my friend needed help on a school project. Saturday worked for both of us. So we set up a play/study date.
Samantha spent pretty much the entire day playing. Not sure really what she did, because by time we got home, she was out of it, so we didn't really have time to talk. All I know is she played hard.
After we got home, I made dinner and we ate. Then headed to the gym. Jessie just got a membership, so we went to check it out with him and waited in the lobby the rest of the time. I brought Samantha some stuff to draw with and her iPod. When we got there, we took a tour of the gym and she learned a little bit about workout equipment.
The rest of the night was spent cuddling together and SLEEPING!
Sunday-it's Easter!
Today we started out by going to church. I was a co-leader for the class today, so I was in there with Samantha. We had worship music. Then a lesson on why we celebrate Easter. During the "free play" time, Samantha took care of my Baby Sister, because she was in class with us. She held her and fed her herself, comforted her, got her paci and covered her up. She is very good with babies.
Afterward we went to my grandparent's house and had an egg hunt and cook out, visited with family. The usual holiday festivities.
Samantha passed out when we finally got home, so Jessie and I have been watching TV all night, just spending time together, and enjoying each other's company.
She just recently woke up, and took a bath. I Love bathtime because of all the discoveries that come with it! Tonight she has discovered that is she takes liquid soap and rubs it over the hole on the rubber duck's mouth, and squeezes the duck, it will blow bubbles. So she put on a little TV show about how she is a "Homeschooled Scientist" doing all kinds of experiments, and today's experiment IS BUBBLE BLOWING RUBBER DUCKY!
We just finished watching gymnastics shows on YouTube. She Loves watching the athletes do all their tricks over and over. It never gets boring to her, and I know EXACTLY how she feels. When I was little, I was the same way. I remember watching the same videos on ESPN.
Now she is sleeping and I am going to too. Lots of plans tomorrow. It should be pretty!
Side Note: At some point this week...I think it was Saturday, I began looking into gymnastics classes. Samantha takes part in dance right now, and while she Loves it, she thinks she wants to try gymnastics. So I started looking into classes. I wanted to find the perfect place for her to be and somewhere that worked for our family. After searching for about an hour, I ran across a homeschool gymnastics class. It is only about 11 miles away, a little further than I want to drive, but we will make do since it is a homeschool class. (I am sure I have mentioned before, she is already starting to realize the difference in that all her friends go to school and she doesn't. She does not want to go, but she still says it makes her feel like she is the only one who is homeschooled. So I thought it would be nice to put her in some groups where she can make some other friends who are homeschooled.) Also, the other great part about it is that it is a day class, which means no more having to rush to make a crockpot dinner before we have to go to dance class. However, it is twice a week, one hour per class. I am having to find ways to work around that, like cutting my time an hour short at the Center, so that she can go and it won't be taking up too much extra time. I am going to call about it and see what I can find out first thing in the morning. Just very excited to find yet another resource at my disposal. Around here you have to search for some of this stuff. It isn't very out in the open.
I also plan to join one of the local support groups come the beginning of the school year. Between CSTHEA and CHEA....But that is a whole 'nother post for a different day. :)
Night Ya'll.