Friday, August 30, 2013

School Year Goals For 2013-2014

Goals For Samantha Mays 1st Grade Year 2013-2014

Samantha’s 1st grade year is mostly about fluency and building awareness about her community and world.


This year the goal for Samantha is to become more fluent in her reading. She can currently read any 2 or 3 letter words and some longer words with “special rules,” some with assistance and some without. She can read some intermediate sentences such as, “The cat likes to run around in the yard.” By the end of the year in-September 2014, Samantha will be able to read a normal children’s book or beginning chapter book by herself.

To achieve this goal Samantha is read to everyday, a variety of writing, from fairytales, poetry, and storybooks to chapter books and informational books. Samantha will continue to take bi-weekly trips to the library where she has learned to search for her own books. Samantha is beginning the school year off by reading Charlotte’s Web. And will continue chapter books by reading the “Little House Books” after completing Charlotte’s Web.

Samantha will also continue to practice reading rules using, applications on her iPod, and occasionally hands on activities and games.


This year the main goal for Samantha in Math is to become more fluent in her addition and subtraction, and also to build a better foundational knowledge about money as well as building a better sense of time. Currently she can add one digit sums and difference (6 through 10) with manipulatives and (1 through 5) without manipulatices. By the end of the year Samantha will be able to add and subtract all one digit sums and differences fluently without the use of manipulatives. She will be able to count out small amounts of money and begin to make change. She will also be able to tell time to the minute on a digital and analog clock, and know the months of the year and the days of the week.

Samantha will achieve these goals by playing games and through everyday living. Samantha will play with Math Mat, Smath, Math War, dice, and card games, as well as computer games and applications daily. She will also continue to learn basic concepts about money through monthly grocery shopping trips, weekly trips to the Share And Care Mission where she gets 50 cents to spend, and through doing chores and saving up her allowance to make purchases. Samantha practices time awareness by referencing her calendar every morning, where she reads the month, date, year, and day of the week. She practices telling time on her Judy clock and by using apps on her iPod. 


This year the goal for Samantha in Science is to learn about the World around her, as created by God, using topics of her choosing. To begin the year, Samantha is learning about The Human Body. By the end of the year, Samantha will have completed at least 4 unit studies, the rest of which have not been determined.

Samantha will use a variety of learning resources for her unit studies, with the primary focus on reading related books and doing experiments appropriate to the current topic. Samantha will learn more about how to conduct an experiment by herself and how to hypothesize what will happen.

Social Studies/Geography:

This year the goal for Samantha in Geography is to become more familiar with maps and the difference between states and countries. Starting out this year, she has minimal knowledge of Geography, with the exception of states that hold meaning for her, like Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas. By the end of the year, Samantha will be able to tell her location by the continent, country, state, and city. She will know all or most of the states, as well as their location, the continents and their location, as well as large bodies of water, and many different land features.

Samantha will achieve these goals by looking at and studying maps daily. She will read books about different states and countries, do activities such as State Quarter Collecting, looking at and studying post cards, and play games such as “Stack The States,” “State to State,” and Where in the World/USA is Carmen Sandiego?”

Non-Core Related Activities:

Samantha will also participate in a number of non core related activities including, but not limited to:

-Physical: Gymnastics

-Household Activities: Cooking, Baking, Cleaning, Decorating

-Volunteer Work: Women’s Enrichment Center

-Religious: Church

Field Trips Planned: (September-January)

-Communities In Schools Fundraiser Kickoff September 2013 (Citizenship/Activism) -Pro Life Banquet and Dinner September 2013 (Citizenship/Activism) -Bodies Exhibit Atlanta, GA September 2013 (Science) –Veterinarian Office (Catoosa Animal Hospital) September 2013 (Science) –Apple Picking Elijay, GA October 2013 (Science)  –Pumpkin Patch Riceville, GA October 2013 (Science)–March For Life Atlanta, GA January 2013 (Citizenship/Activism)

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